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Greeting Card Class Tutorials

Learn card making techniques

Greeting Card Class Tutorials

Learn card making techniques
Card Class: Tutorial #3

Easy Rubber Stamp
Repeat Cards

Turn Simple Stamps into Stunning Cards!
Example repeat cards
What you will make:

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to make cards using small rubber stamps arranged in threes or fours and matted. Once you learn this design concept, it can be used for repeats of any small object—paper punches, cutouts from decorative paper, stencils, and more.

This greeting card tutorial builds on the first two tutorials: #1: Four Patch Cards and #2: Matted Clip-Art and Photo Cards. It is also a basic introduction to using rubber stamps. (The universe of stamping is HUGE. Whole books are written on rubber stamping, some devoted to nothing but card making. There are thousands upon thousands of rubber stamps available for purchase.) For those with little or no rubber stamp experience, we keep it simple by using one small rubber stamp repeated three or four times.

Check out Aunt Annie's Rubber Stamping Tips for ways to get the best possible image from your rubber stamp.

HeartIt's easy to make cards for Valentine's Day with repeats of stamped, punched or cutout hearts. See example card above.

Refer to Tutorial #1: Four Patch Cards for how to make card blanks and envelopes.

Here's what you need:
  • White card blank: 4¼″ by 5½″
  • Colored paper or cardstock for mats
  • Small (1") rubber stamp
  • Black stamp pad
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil and eraser
  • Colored pencils
  • Ruler or paper trimmer
  • White computer paper for envelopes
  • Optional: Markers, paper punches, decorative scissors

This tutorial is the third of twelve card making tutorials and is rated EASY to do.

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Before you start
  • Make a place to work.
  • Read all of the directions.
  • Gather everything you need to do the project.
  • Think about the project. Imagine how it will look and what you will do with it.

Making Easy Rubber Stamp Repeat Greeting Cards

Read through the tutorial before starting.
Step 1: Getting Started

There are three basic ways of arranging the repeats on your greeting card—three images arranged vertically (or horizontally) and matted; four images arranged in a square with a single large mat; or four images in a square with individual mats. Layouts for Repeat Cards

Pick a layout for your card before getting started.

Step 2: Stamp Repeats
Stamp 3 or 4 of same image and color
  • In pencil, draw three or four 1¼" to 1½" squares on a piece of white cardstock.
  • Stamp an image in the center of each square.
  • Cut out the squares and erase pencil lines.
  • Enhance the stamped image using colored pencils.
Step 3: Cut Mats
  • Select cardstock for a mat that matches an accent or secondary color of the stamped image.
  • Cut one large square mat (3½" to 3¾") or one small mat for each stamped square (1½" to 1¾") or one long mat (2" by 5½").

Project extra: Download, and print on cardstock, Aunt Annie's printable templates for mats and stamping strips to make mat cutting and repeat stamping easier. Choose your mat size, cut out the template, then anytime you need a mat of that size just trace it and cut. You can use the stamping strip templates in the same way or stamp directly on the strips and cut apart.

Step 4: Glue
Mat repeated images

Glue stamped squares to the mat, then glue the mat to the card.

Step 5: Decorate
Completed repeat card - four flowers
  • Decorate the card with punches or paint dots, outline squares with colored pencil, or cut decorative edge on card. Add your own creative touch.
  • Add messages.

The right edge of this card was cut with decorative scissors. A green strip of paper was glued to the right edge inside the card to accent the scalloped edge. The card blank was made from yellow cardstock, and additional stamps were used to finish the card decoration.

That's it! What did you repeat on your card?
Sample Repat Cards

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